Random Maps: Jump to Version 3.0 Upgrade Guide!
The „Auto Switches“ feature allows labeling each room for a particular purpose. Let’s give an example:

„I want my dungeon to have 1 room with one secret boss, 2 keys that the player must find, 1 save point, and the rest filled up with puzzles or encounters where the player has to fight some monsters.“
Of course, this is just an example; you can distribute your rooms as you like. The formula is always „x of this, y of that, z of that, …, and the rest filled up with a, b, or c, …“
How does it work?
We will make a list of Switches and pass it to the plugin, which will manage them for us automatically. Every time we enter a room, the plugin automatically turns off all of the Switches from the list except one. And in the tutorial, Let’s get more Variety… by using Switches!, we already learned how to spawn assets only when a particular Switch is on.
Create a Switch for any kind of room that you want to have in your maze. That could be anything:
- Encounters
- Boss
- Lever puzzle
- Switch puzzle
- Save point
- …
Auto-Switches are bound to Room Layouts. You find them in the Plugin Manager -> RNGMaps_Core -> Room Layouts.

Each Room Layout has two lists of Auto-Switches:
- Required Auto-Switches
are those that you want your dungeon to have at all costs. You can even tell how often a room should appear. - Regular Auto-Switches
are those to fill up the remaining rooms.
Configure an Auto-Switch

It is not actively used – only for readability on the list.
The associated Switch.
Count (Only for required Auto-Switches)
How often should this room appear?
Is Puzzle?
When you want to use the is Room solved-feature, you can determine whether a room is solvable. When this parameter is set to false, the room is automatically set to solved as soon as the player enters it.