
RNGMaps provides a lot of algorithms with many variants and parameters. This page presents all of them, including links and cheat sheets.

Algorithms using Snippets

Prim’s Maze Algorithm

Classical maze with cutOffDeadEnds and MergeDeadEnds disabled
Maze with cutOffDeadEnds and MergeDeadEnds enabled

Random Walk

Rooms and Corridors

Example using the Snippets

This algorithm draws some rooms at randomly chosen positions and then connects them using a spanning tree.

Algorithms not using Snippets

Cave, Forest, Swamp, …

Rooms and Corridors

This algorithm draws some rooms at randomly chosen positions and then connects them using a spanning tree. You can define different types of rooms, such as living room, pantry, kitchen, which will all appear on the map at the same time.

World Map

This algorithm uses noise maps to generate a beautiful world map. By default, it assigns each continent with a biome, and then it adds mountains, rivers, towns, and more for you!


Static Map

Not a „real“ algorithm. It takes a regular Map and lets you apply all the features to randomly spawn assets.