Premium Functions

Meta Maze – Layouts

You can pick from these Layouts: Tower Given a height, the Plugin builds something tower-likely for you. The Player can move upwards and downwards. Grid Given a width and a height, the grid builds connections to every adjacent cell. Maze…

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Meta Maze

This add-on sets up a virtual maze for you and helps you build a more giant dungeon that has exits in all directions. Such mazes will be a massive game-changer in your game but be aware they can raise your…

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API Reference

This page shows and explains every JavaScript Call method. Algorithms The Algorithms are described here: Algorithms Maze Generator / $DungeonGenerator Entrance, Exit, and makeWayOut Choose if you want to draw Entrance and Exit, or if you want to have pathways…

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Save Self-Switches

When using a Meta Maze, the Plugin will handle Self-Switches automatically for you. The feature described in this article will memorize Self Switches, with the ability to manually set these Switches to false, e.g., when the Player successfully finishes the…

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Seedable RNG

I recommend you to check out the Meta Maze first, as it already assists you a lot with this topic. If you want to set the RNG’s seed, you can do so by calling: If you want to use an…

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