Here you can find some Code Snippets to copy-paste into your project.
If there are lines with a <– symbol in it, read the comment and then remove the arrow and the comment from your command. Mind adjusting variables!
Classical Maze
A very simple call to generate a classical Maze without any finetuning
Ice Cave
This snippet contains „drawDecorationXTimes„. You can use this line multiple times or even not use it.
.drawDecorations([1, 2, 3, 4]) // <-- fill with the ids of your commonly used decorations
.drawDecorationXTimes(11, 1, 3) // <-- 11 is regionId for Lootchests, 1 minimum, 3 maximum
Inside the Volcano
.drawDecorations([2, 4]) <-- normal decoration objects
.drawDecorationXTimes(11, 1, 3) <-- 11 is regionId for Lootchests, 1 minimum, 3 maximum
Demon Castle, with Switch
.drawDecorations([2]) <-- normal decoration objects
.drawDecorationXTimes(11) <-- 11 is regionId for the Switch
Forest Road
The forest Road uses a Seedable RNG and can be left towards the north and the south. You need a Variable here to store the Dungeon’s Progression. This variable must be incremented by 1 when going north and decreased by 1 when going south.
When entering the map or going north, use
$dungeonGenerator.setSeed($gameVariables.value(4)); <-- 4 is a RMMV variable to store the Dungeon Progression
When going south, use
$dungeonGenerator.setSeed($gameVariables.value(4)); <-- 4 is a RMMV variable to store the Dungeon Progression
.spawnPlayerAt("top", 7) <-- adjust the variable 7