

Meta Maze – Layouts

You can pick from these Layouts: Tower Given a height, the Plugin builds something tower-likely for you. The Player can move upwards and downwards. Grid Given a width and a height, the grid builds connections to every adjacent cell. Maze…

Meta Maze

This add-on sets up a virtual maze for you and helps you build a more giant dungeon that has exits in all directions. Such mazes will be a massive game-changer in your game but be aware they can raise your…


Thanks for taking your time and helping me improving my work! Your answers will help me understanding what the community is looking for when using my Plugins. Wird geladen…

Respawn at Custom Position

In this tutorial we will transfer the Player out of the randomized area, but when he re-enters the Map, he will spawn at the exact position where he originally left the Map. For example, you can have a tent or…

Save Self-Switches

When using a Meta Maze, the Plugin will handle Self-Switches automatically for you. The feature described in this article will memorize Self Switches, with the ability to manually set these Switches to false, e.g., when the Player successfully finishes the…

The great Overview

Inspired by the Game No Mans Sky, I’m working on methods to enable Randomly Generated Maps during Gameplay. This Plugin series for RPG Maker MV and MZ has been my greatest work ever since. There are multiple Plugins with different…


In this article I try to collect all common mistakes, errors, and suggestions to solve them. If you have trouble with my Plugins but checked your project and all the tutorials, please turn off all other (yes, all other) Plugins…