


This Plugin provides methods to temporarily seize Exp, gold, items, and equipment and to restore them later. Seized items are stored in an invisible container for later retrieval. If you seize a 2nd time while the container still owns items,…

Perma Death

When the Player game-overs, their save slot is deleted permanently from the disk or local storage, once the Perma Death is activated. This plugin uses a Switch to toggle on/off the Perma Death, so you, as the game designer, can…

Puzzles in the Meta Maze

The Meta Maze is a powerful tool for making a dungeon more interesting to explore. Maybe you have already set up your first dungeon and defined some objects, such as enemies or save points. And after some playtesting, you realized,…

Static Map in the Meta Maze

The Static Map is a simple but sometimes handy feature. Because it’s simplified, it lacks certain functionalities, such as exits to the next room and automatic spawn locations for the player, which makes it challenging to combine this approach with…

Let’s build… a Village!

First of all, there’s no dedicated algorithm yet to create a village, but that doesn’t mean we cannot make one! Why is there still no algorithm for that? Because, other than creating a cave that is natural and hence random,…